Saturday, 5 April 2014

Remove OSX Mavericks Recovery partition to reclaim space

Im rebuilding my MacBook Pro Retina. The SSD is small (250gb) so every little bit of space helps. OSX has a recovery partition (~650mb) if you have a USB/DVD install or other method to boot and repair OSX, then its not needed - its just sitting there eating your precious space.

Removal and reclamation of space is easy:

1 - Boot into OSX and launch the Terminal.
2 - Run diskutil list to display all partitions:

3 - Note your recovery partition ID, in this case disk0s3
4 - To erase that partition type :

diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ ErasedDisk /dev/disk0s3

5 - The partition is now gone, now you need to reclaim the space it was using, type:

diskutil mergePartitions HFS+ MacHD disk0s2 disk0s3

6 - Once completed, type diskutil list to show the changes:

Note: disk0s3 has gone, and disk0s2 has increased by ~650mb

Every little helps ;-)